Youth Mission Trips

Vision: To equip and empower youth for a missional life-style

Mission: “Go and make disciples from all the nations” Matthew 28:19

July 15th, 2020 — July 30th, 2020

Training Camp: YWAM Durres Albania

Outreaches to: Balkans

Mission Adventure aims to impart in youth a dream and desire for missions and to give them a taste of cross cultural worlds. We ensure to provide an environment for youth, where they can encounter God in deeper and life transforming ways. Our prayer is that by participating in Mission Adventures, youth groups will not only personally encounter God, but they will return home empowered to impact their local communities. As Mission Adventures staff, we arrange all of the practical aspects of a missions trip including; food, housing, transportation, ministry planning,etc. Church youth workers are then able to bring their young people on a missions trip without the burden of planning and administrating all the details. This frees them up to simply share in the experience and focus on their youth’s personal growth and empowerment.

Who can be involved?

Youth Groups
Ages 15+
Must know English or Albanian (helps with communication)

Cost: €400

Price includes non-refundable registration fee of 25, all meals, accommodation, ministry expenses, airport transfers and transportation.


The Mission Adventures programme begins with a 4-day training camp at YWAM Durres. The teaching is designed to help participants gain a greater understanding of who God is and how to share Him with others. You will participate in a variety of practical sessions including hearing God’s voice, evangelism and missions, destiny shaped by God. You will spend time in prayer and worship, learn about cultural sensitivity, completing team building exercises, and workshops in relevant ministry skills. Our aim for this training is not only to prepare you for the upcoming mission trip but for you to return home equipped to live a more missional life.


Accompanied by Mission Adventures staff, you and your group will embark on an 8 day cross-cultural missions trip where you will serve alongside long-term missionaries in the location you visit. The outreach will primarily consist of three elements: evangelism; some form of mercy ministry; and serving in a practical way, such as teaching English, gardening, painting, or running a summer camp. The schedule during the trip will include a balance of ministry time, team time, and some free time where you can relax or take in the local sights and culture.


Upon returning from the trip, Mission Adventures staff will guide your group through a day of debriefing, where you will have the chance to reflect and discuss, both personally and collectively, what you have experienced and what God has taught you during the programme. There will also be some teaching, such as practical tips on giving a presentation about the trip to your home church, and different ways you can take what you’ve learned and apply it within your local community. On the last day we will celebrate all that God did in and through the teams as they each share some testimonies from their outreach with the YWAM Albania community.

Contact YWAM Durrës

DTS Enquiry

DBS Enquiry

Youth Conference Enquiry

YWAM Tirana Enquiry

YWAM Elbasan Enquiry

YWAM Shkodër Enquiry

YWAM Vlorë Enquiry