United Youth for Christ


Bringing together youth from the Balkans to encourage, train and build them up by introducing them to the Biblical truths and God’s heart for this region.
Our purpose is to inspire in them the passion for the lost, the courage to dream the “impossible”, a heart for reconciliation, and faith that they could change the history of the Balkans.


This conference comes to life by the partnership of YWAM Durres and three local churches.

We aim for the conference to be a catalyst to ignite in youth mission in action, exposing them to short-term mission trips and opportunities to serve.

We train and encourage the youth through corporate worship and prayer,  sessions and small-group workshops.

Every year more than 250 youth from around 30 churches come together to worship God, to encourage one another, share and pray, and to get a deeper understanding of God’s heart and character.

Contact information: riniebashkuarperkrishtin@gmail.com


1-3 November


ages 15-30



Contact YWAM Durrës

DTS Enquiry

DBS Enquiry

Youth Conference Enquiry

YWAM Tirana Enquiry

YWAM Elbasan Enquiry

YWAM Shkodër Enquiry

YWAM Vlorë Enquiry